1. Velislava Gospodinova
Missing: dancing gif
Animation Director, Animator, Vfx Artist
2. Firebird by Velislava Gospodinova | An Animated Short Film
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Bulgarian filmmaker Velislava Gospodinova joins us on Directors Notes to discuss 'Firebird' - a rhythmic animated short inspired by mythological stories.

3. Short Pick Of The Day: 'Firebird' by Velislava Gospodinova
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Love as the leading force, overpowering life and death.

4. An Exit by Martino Prendini | Experimental Animated Dance Short
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Martino Prendini gives form to the power of female agency through a medley of animation techniques realised over 6000+ individual hand-drawn frames.

5. Firebird / Ateş Kuşu | Changing Perspectives Film Festival
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Firebird / Ateş Kuşu Velislava Gospodinova, Bulgaria/Bulgaristan, 2017, 7′, Animation/ Animasyon Non-dialog- Diyalogsuz An artistic impression, driven by the rhythm of the music and th…
6. ADAF Programme 2016 - Athens Digital Arts Festival
May 8, 2016 · Velislava Gospodinova (BG) | The Blood (2012) | 06:15min. Wanbli ... ANIMATION – Exhibition | I DONT GIF A F**K. OKKULT Motion Pictures ...
Athens Digital Arts Festival | Digital POP

7. commercial works - Velislava Gospodinova
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8. NovoKino
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We are a young film production, distribution and promotion company, based in Sofia, Bulgaria. We focus on arthouse, avant-garde, innovative and genre productions marked by outstanding artistry, creative yet serious approach and messages of universal value. We have a special taste for music, fantastic concepts, exploration, portraits, philosophy, poetry, humanity and women-driven stories.

9. [PDF] ADAF KIDS - Athens Digital Arts Festival
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11. [PDF] Short Waves Festival 2018
Above all, you, might be dancing by the end of the night, too. 01. Riot ... Gospodinova Velislava 72. Grabham Tim 108. Grabowska-Henschel Aleksandra 129.
12. Athens Digital Arts Festival 2016 - Catalogue - Issuu
Jul 15, 2016 · Το Dancing Queen (2015) είναι ένα animation μικρού μήκους που ... BIO Velislava Gospodinova is born 1986 in Sofia, Bulgaria, is a ...
Athens Digital Arts Festival (ADAF) has successfully completed its 12th edition that took place from 19 to 22 of May 2016, at the Building Complex Gate Ermou 117-121 and at the multiplex art space six d.o.g.s. Under the theme Digital Pop, the Festival featured the different aspects of Pop culture in the digital era. 450 artists from 80 countries presented their work exploring the impact of the Internet and digital culture on everyday life. For 4 days, ADAF created a space where visitors and artists exchanged their own experiences and stories with regards to the influence of new technologies on our way of living, ranging from social media and digital aesthetics to virtual reality and digital sound.

13. [PDF] 2-5. novembar 2022. Dom kulture Čačak SRBIJA 2022, November 2 ...
Velislava Gospodinova is a Bulgarian animation director, storyboard artist ... Ills of fortune have deported a ballet dancer Sergei to a suburban kol-.
14. Catalogo AM 2013 by Anima Mundi - Issuu
A surreal trip through the subconscious of a stifled musician as he struggles to sing. Dancing Graffiti ... DIR: Velislava Gospodinova. DIR: Yemelí Cruz; Adanoe ...
Catálogo Anima Mundi 2013

15. [PDF] каталог - catalogue - ЗЛАТЕН РИТОН
VELISLAVA GOSPODINOVA is an animation director based in Sofia, Bulgaria. Her ... Playwright of a dance per- formance at the National Musical Theatre ...