Kimi no Koto ga Dai Dai Dai Dai Daisuki na 100-nin no Kanojo
Type: Manga
Status: Ongoing
Published: 26.12.2019 ‑ ?
Volumes / Chapters: 18+ / 165+
Publisher: Shuueisha Inc.
Mangaka: Rikito NAKAMURA Author Yukiko NOZAWA Illustrator
Adapted From: Original Work
Website: Twitter
The 100 Girlfriends Who Really, Really, Really, Really, Really Love You
Status: Ongoing
Published: 22.02.2022 ‑ ?
Volumes / Chapters: 10+ / 86+
Publisher: Ghost Ship
Las 100 Novias Que Me Quieren Mogollón Mogollón
Status: Ongoing
Published: 27.06.2024 ‑ ?
Volumes / Chapters: 1+ / ?
Publisher: Editorial Ivréa S.L.
Les 100 petites amies qui t’aiiiment à en mourir
Status: Ongoing
Published: 06.07.2023 ‑ ?
Volumes / Chapters: 7+ / ?
Publisher: Mana Books
Le 100 ragazze che ti amano tanto tanto tanto tanto tanto
Status: Ongoing
Published: 11.09.2024 ‑ ?
See Also| Alex Rockin JapaneseVolumes / Chapters: 3+ / ?
Publisher: J-POP
Synonyms: 100 Kanojo
Rentarou Aijou has achieved the seemingly impossible: even before he enters high school, he has confessed his love to a hundred girls and has been turned down by his beloved one every time. After the hundredth rejection, he visits a shrine that promises support in matters of the heart and actually meets the resident deity! It assures him that he will meet his one hundred soul mates soon.
Rentarou does not know what to make of this at first, but when two girls confess their love to him on his first day at his new school, he realises that there is truth in the ominous words of the deity. However, the deity has not told him that there is a huge catch: if his soulmates do not manage to establish a relationship with him, they will die! So … how is he supposed to date a hundred girls at the same time?!
Rentarou Aijou hat das Unmögliche geschafft: Noch bevor er in die Oberschule kommt, hat er einhundert Mädchen seine Liebe gestanden und ist jedes Mal bei seiner Angebeteten abgeblitzt. Nach der hundertsten Absage besucht er einen Schrein, der bei Herzensangelegenheiten Unterstützung verspricht und trifft tatsächlich auf die ansässige Gottheit! Diese versichert ihm, dass er bald schon seine einhundert Seelenverwandten treffen wird.
Rentarou weiß zunächst nicht, was er davon halten soll, doch als ihm an seinem ersten Tag an der neuen Schule gleich zwei Mädchen ihre Liebe gestehen, merkt er, dass in den ominösen Worten Wahrheit steckt. Allerdings hat die Gottheit ihm verschwiegen, dass die Sache einen gewaltigen Haken hat. Wenn seine Seelenverwandten es nicht schaffen, eine Beziehung zu ihm aufzubauen, werden sie sterben! Doch wie soll er einhundert Mädchen gleichzeitig daten?
Testo della bandella:
Dopo il centesimo due di picche il giorno della consegna del diploma delle medie, Rentaro Aijo esprime il desiderio di trovare la sua prima ragazza al liceo. Entra in scena il Dio dell’Amore, con una rivelazione: «Alle superiori incontrerai ben cento anime gemelle! Tuttavia, se le ragazze non vivranno tutte felici e contente (omissis)… moriranno». Di colpo, la vita di Rentaro si trasforma in un harem in cui o si ama o si muore!
Main genres / Subsidiary Genres / Tags
- Romantic Comedy
- Comedy
- Harem
- Romance
- Genius
- High School
- Parody
- Present
- School
- Tsundere
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